Teuta Demiri Person-Info 

( Ich bin Teuta Demiri)


15 muaj burg për ish-drejtorin e BPB-së në Prizren

Gjykata Themelore në Prizren, të hënën, e ka dënuar me 15 muaj burg, ish-drejtorin e Bankës për Biznes në Prizren, Armend Ibrahimi, i akuzuar për keqpërdorim...

A time of uncertainty for Kosovo’s Jews

Daily breaking news, podcasts, newsletters and events that matter to the Canadian Jewish community

In Muslim Kosovo, Lingering Jews Stake Claim To Country’s Past — And...

Kosovo’s centuries-old Jewish community is down to a few dozen souls. They are proud their past — and wonder why Israel won’t recognize their state.

„Wir sind wie eine Familie“: Kirchen in Speyer

Mikroprojekt „Starke Frauen“ des Caritas-Zentrums mit der Stadtverwaltung und dem Judosportverein fördert Sozialkompetenz und wertet Quartier Speyer-West auf
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