Taha Ahmed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Taha Ahmed)


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"Finanzkrise betrifft uns nicht": Bagdads Börse bleibt stabil -...

Während die Indizes in Europa und den USA in ungeahnte Tiefen stürzen, geht es an der Bagdader Börse weiter bergauf.

Running for a better future

Habib University students to hold mini-marathon to learn more about the city, its people

Taha Ahmed Khan Archives - Daily Times

theatrics. The former despite being a bit dull and boring gives the best it can extract to the individual and the society. Meanwhile, the latter may not ultimately bring any desired result but can surely get the heartbeats high or bring ...

Guardian: Israeli soldiers tell of indiscriminate killings by army and a...

Whistleblowers' testimony shows desire for revenge on Palestinians
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