Sami Al-Rafai Person-Info 

( Ich bin Sami Al-Rafai)


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Transcript: O'Reilly Interviews Al-Arian in September | Fox News
This is a partial transcript from The O'Reilly Factor, September 26,

Guardian: Sami al-Haj: 'I lived inside Guantánamo as a journalist' | Press...

Al-Jazeera's Sami al-Haj, the only journalist to have been detained in Guantánamo, talks to Gwladys Fouché about media coverage of the issue and how his life...

Ex-USF professor Sami al-Arian deported to Turkey
TAMPA — A former

Guardian: Government pays Libyan dissident's family £2.2m over MI6-aided...

Sami al-Saadi, wife and four children were secretly flown from Hong Kong to Tripoli where he was tortured by Gaddafi police
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Simon Al-Rafai
Vorname "Sami" (3461)
Name "al-Rafai" (3)
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