Raees Ahmed Person-Info 

( Ich bin Raees Ahmed)


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Demonstrators demand government take action to help bring Myanmar...

Rohingyan Montrealers and supporters held a demonstration on Sunday to protest what the United Nations is calling

Diasporas : des milliers de Rohingyas continuent à fuir le Myanmar

Les matins d'ici | L'exode des Rohingyas, cette minorité musulmane birmane, se poursuit à la frontière entre le Myanmar et le Bangladesh. En tout, plus de...

Ansari Raees Ahmed President: Latest News, Videos and Photos of...

ansari raees ahmed president News: Latest and Breaking News on ansari raees ahmed president. Explore ansari raees ahmed president profile at Times of India for...

Raees Ahmed | The Charlatan, Carleton's independent newspaper

Speakers at Carleton's campus on Nov. 21, called on the university Senate to revoke an honorary degree given to Myanmar State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi. The event “Discussion with Dr. Maung Zarni: Suu Kyi & The Rohingya in Myanmar” featured Zarni as a keynote speaker along with other ...
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