Nicola Serra Person-Info 

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Colloquium Nicola Serra (University of Zurich)Nikhef
Friday 29 November, 11:00h, at Nikhef in H331. Speaker: Nicola Serra (University of Zurich). Title: "The B0->K*mm anomaly and its implications". Abstract:. Friday 29 November, 11:00h, at Nikhef in H331. Speaker: Nicola Serra (University of Zurich). Title: "The B0->K*mm anomaly and its implications". Abstract:.

Flavour Anomalies at LHCb: A Tale of Beauty Hadrons and ...Universität Bern
Nicola Serra (University of Zurich). Abstract, Recent measurements in rare B-meson decays at the LHCb experiment have shown a coherent pattern of deviations ... Nicola Serra (University of Zurich). Abstract, Recent measurements in rare B-meson decays at the LHCb experiment have shown a coherent pattern of deviations ...

The Zurich Physics Colloquium
Nicola Serra · Date. 31 May · Host. Ben Kilminster · Title. Flavour anomalies and the quest for New Physics · Abstract. Flavour physics has historically paved ... Kunst auf der Insel

lebende Künstlerin Carine Raskin-Sander ihr Projekt betitelt, das sie organisiert hat und an dem sich Nathalie Ponsot und Peter Trapp aus Wolnzach, Ingrid Schmedes aus Manching und Nicola Serra aus Scheyern mit beteiligen. ...
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