Kimberly Sauer Person-Info 

( Ich bin Kimberly Sauer)


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'Cannibal cop's' former college pals take stand, all say they ...New York Post
— Kimberly Sauer, of Germantown, Md., went to the University of Maryland with Valle and had nothing bad to say about her former classmate.

Abschlusszeugnisse entgegengenommen – 25 erfolgreiche ...St. Barbara-Klinik Hamm-Heessen
— ... Christian Peitz, Britta Rintzel, Kimberly Sauer, Caroline Scharwächter, Thomas Schlüter, Gerrit Steinke, Anna Voßmann, Jana Wibbels.

Alleged targets testify at NYC cannibal-plot trialThe Columbus Dispatch
— Kimberly Sauer, 29, of Germantown, Md., was called as a government witness on the second day of 28-year-old Officer Gilberto Valle's trial ...

DEC Environmental Conservation Police Officer HighlightsNew York State Department of Environmental Conservation (.gov)
— 25, 2020, Investigator Sulkey posed as a potential buyer and met with the seller of the hide, Kimberly Sauer. Sauer offered the hide for ...
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