Jesse Dee Person-Info 

( Ich bin Jesse Dee)


(1 - 4 von 24

At 63, Al Green's soul is as good as new
[Boston Globe] - “How Can You Mend a Broken Heart?'' was low-key and sinuous, while he put a gospel-funk grit (albeit with a decidedly secular focus by the end) into “Let's

Cerro Gordo County
[Mason City Globe Gazette] - Jesse W. Pals, 24, Mason City, and Mollie Kathleen Pals, 24, Mason City. Sarah Dee Myers, 26, Ventura, and Erik Ralph Myers, 29, Clear Lake.

Album: Jesse Dee, Bittersweet Batch, (Munich) | The Independent | The...
White-boy retro-soul, long on attitude and stomp, short on subtlety.
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