Igor Pak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Igor Pak)


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Bounds on Kronecker and Littlewood-Richardson Hannoverwww.uni-hannover.de › aktuelles › veranstaltungen › detail › luhevents

· ... on their simpler GL analogues, the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients. This is based on joint works with Igor Pak and Damir Yeliussizov.

Erdos Lectures: Igor Pak (UCLA) - Counting integer points in...

Igor Pak (UCLA). Given a convex polytope P, what is the number of integer points in P? This problem is of great interest in combinatorics and discrete geometry, ...

Prof. dr. Igor Pak: Finite tilings - FMFwww.fmf.uni-lj.si › news › news › prof-dr-igor-pak...

Igor Pak. University of California, Los Angeles. Suppose we are given a finite set of tiles (think polyominoes). Can one use copies of these tiles to tile a ...

Combinatorics Seminar - Igor Pak | Department of Mathematicsmath.osu.edu › events › combinatorics-seminar-igor...

· Title: Counting Contingency Tables Speaker: Igor Pak - University of California at Los Angeles.
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