Hasan Pak Person-Info 

( Ich bin Hasan Pak)


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Punish guilty in 'spot-fixing'row: Pak ambassador to UN

[Times of India] - The trio has been defended by Pakistan's High Commissioner to Britain Wajib Shamsul Hasan, who has claimed that the scandal is a conspiracy to isolate the

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Balkan Cross Country Championships | NEWS | World Athleticsworldathletics.org › news › balkan-cross-country-ch...

Hasan Pak TUR 17:19, 5. Yusuf Alici TUR 17:31, 6. Sorin Mineran ROU 17:36. Team: 1. Turkey, 2. Romania, 3. Serbia, 4. Greece, 5. Bulgaria Women (5.8 Km):

Results: Chelimo close to course record in Istanbul | ahotu

Marathon results Eliaz Kemboi Chelimo bested more than 2,600 runners to win the 37th annual Vodafone Istanbul Marathon in Turkey. His mark of 2:11:09 was just...
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